Have you ever skipped wheat for a few days and found yourself feeling lighter? Maybe less bloated and more energetic? Well, chances are that you are sensitive to gluten.
Gluten intolerance is an adverse reaction to gluten present in wheat, barley and rye. This food intolerance can lead to nutritional deficiencies, mental fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue as well as headache.
Wheat is a grain that we Indians most associate with chapathis, while it is also used for making breads, pastas, as well as cereal. It can also be used in certain soups as well as salad dressing. Barley is found often in beer as well as in foods that contain malt. Rye is commonly found in rye beer, rye bread and certain cereals.
Know about our gene test that can help guide you on the right nutritional path for you.
Bonus tip: Read Food Labels Carefully When You Shop, choose gluten free substitutes instead of gluten containing foods.
Courtesy: XCode Life