You might think to get fit, you need tospend a lot of time training. But you’d be wrong!

//You might think to get fit, you need tospend a lot of time training. But you’d be wrong!

You might think to get fit, you need tospend a lot of time training. But you’d be wrong!

Research from Dr. Izumi Tabata in Japan has shown that really small amounts of exercise can be beneficial. In his research, Dr. Tabata’s subjects trained 4X a week for just four minutes at a time. This group showed greater fitness improvements than a group who trained 5X a week for an hour each time.

Here’s the kicker though…

To work, the exercise has to be extremely intense. In his original research, Dr. Tabata got his subjects to do 8 sets of 20-second exercise on a bike at the highest intensity they could manage, separated by 10 seconds of recovery between sets.

So even if you can only spare a few minutes each day, you can make big improvements.

DNAFit Tip – Exercise doesn’t need to take ages, but it does need to be intense. Why not try a set of Dr. Tabata’s training on a stationary bike at your gym or in your garage?Which exercises are best for you?

Courtesy: DNA FIT

By | 2022-03-13T14:55:48+00:00 May 12th, 2018|Nutrigenomics|0 Comments

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